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Hunger for the Word

Hunger for the Word

OCTOBER  30,  2019    |    2.5  MINUTE  READ    |    KATELAND  VERNON

How a Bible study has impacted over 10,000 women.

We shared Diana’s story of redemption in our Spring/Summer 2019 issue of The Call. You may remember reading about the Bible study that helped connect Diana to other believers and provide a biblical foundation for her new faith. This study is part of a network called Tabitha Ministry that continues to spread rapidly.

Linda Spriegel and Peris Rotich didn’t know what to expect when they invited two women to Linda’s home in 2005 for a Bible study. They never dreamed that fourteen years later, over 200 groups of women (more than 2,000 women total) would be gathering for weekly Bible studies modeled after that first one, or that 10,000 women would have received Bibles as a result.

Pastors who brought Tabitha Bible studies to this area, along with Tabitha leaders and friends.

Pastors who brought Tabitha Bible studies to this area, along with Tabitha leaders and friends.

From the earliest stages of what has now become Tabitha Ministry, women have been empowered to memorize and study Scripture, but they have also received other forms of practical help. Working with local churches, the ministry uses funds to aid these women in purchasing seeds, fertilizer, medical care, food, and occasional start-up funds for small businesses. These tools allow women to take part in shaping their own futures and those of their families.

Tabitha leaders take an active part in training up new leaders to spread the impact of this study.

Tabitha leaders take an active part in training up new leaders to spread the impact of this study.

Tabitha Ministry continues to expand, not just in numbers, but in focus and reach. Two of the series of Bible studies have now been published in English, Kipsigis and Kiswahili, allowing the materials to no longer be used solely by women, but also by men and youth. As Bible studies spread to new locations, the need for materials to be translated into new languages has also become apparent. The leaders of studies in Emarti, which began about a year ago, have been translating the Kipsigis studies into Maasai as they teach. In recent years another missionary has joined Linda and Peris in the ministry. Together they create the study materials and spend time visiting those in the studies around the country. After meeting with the women in Emarti and Emitiot, another new location, Linda states, “Their hunger for the Word is evident. As is their joy in the Lord, and in welcoming visitors.” While Tabitha Ministry provides a way for women to disciple and empower each other to grow in the Lord and take change to their families and communities, it is clear to Linda and others who witness the ministry’s impact that “God uses His whole body to spread the Word.”

The women in the Emitiot branch of the Tabitha Ministry Bible study love to greet new members.

The women in the Emitiot branch of the Tabitha Ministry Bible study love to greet new members.

How you can be part of the spiritual growth of women, men, and children in Kenya:

Give: Your donation to Tabitha Ministry goes a long way. A Bible costs $8, while seed and fertilizer for a quarter of an acre of land is $8.50. The cost of roofing a home is $250, and a cow can be purchased for $300. Regardless of how much you have to offer, you can help the ministry reach their goals of lifting people out of poverty. Give to this cause at

Pray: God is using Tabitha Ministry to empower not only women, but also men and children, to shape their own futures. Pray that the study materials will continue to spread to new locations and change lives for God’s glory.

Global Worker Bio: In addition to the Tabitha Ministry, Linda Spriegel and her husband, John, are also involved in medical and evangelism ministries through Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. You can follow their journey on their blog, Spriegels in Kenya.

Author Bio: Kateland Vernon works at WGM headquarters as a writer and editor. She spends her free time organizing her kitchen, playing video games with her husband, and hanging out with her nephews.

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