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It Pays to Pray

It Pays to Pray

JUNE  5, 2023   |   2 MINUTE READ

This story appeared in The Best of the Story: Miraculous Answers to Prayer by Burnis H. Bushong and was adapted for this article.

Doris Tamplin was known for her dedication to prayer while serving with her husband, Carroll, in Bolivia. One time, Carroll and five companions went into the jungle, leaving Doris and her son, Jonathan, at the missions compound. Here’s Doris’ story of how she interacted with the Holy Spirit in prayer.

One morning as I prayed for Carroll and his five coworkers, God lifted my burden and encouraged my heart with words from Isaiah 41:17–18:

“The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.”

With a light heart, I got up from my knees to continue my day.  

At seven o’clock that morning, I turned on the shortwave radio and heard my husband, Carroll, make contact with our son, Jonathan, at the airbase. My husband said that his party had been without water for two days and needed help. He asked if Jonathan thought he could possibly see their smoke signal in the midst of the heavy maze that hung over the jungle. The quick reply was that he would try. The hour was set for the flight, allowing time for necessary preparations.

Jonathan Tamplin sitting in the Wings of Peace plane cockpit.

I suddenly realized the importance of the promise that God had given that morning. I turned on the radio at the appointed flight time. Wings of Peace, the mission plane, was soon making contact with the portable radio in the jungle. Jonathan was searching for the smoke signal, but it did not seem to be rising above the treetops. He said, “No, I can’t see it. Pile on some more fuel.”

I prayed, “Oh God, thou hast promised not to forsake them. Thou hast promised to give them water.” Carroll’s voice came on again. “Jonathan, you must be very close to us now for we can hear the motor of the plane.” Jonathan replied, “I still cannot see any smoke column.”

At our station radios, the missionaries who were listening on the jungle network prayed. Then Jonathan was saying, “I think that I now see it. Yes, I am sure I do. I will fly over where it is.” In a few minutes, a package of food was dropped and instructions were given for finding a water hole. The task completed, Wings of Peace made a safe landing.


PRAY: Has God ever brought a scripture verse to mind when you weren’t expecting it? Perhaps during those moments, He’s prompting you to pray through that verse for someone who needs it. The next time this happens, pause and pray. You may not know whom you’re interceding for, but God does.

Author Bio: Carroll and Doris Tamplin were known for their burden to reach native tribes in Bolivia who were untouched by the Gospel. Carroll spent weeks at a time tracking the tribes while Doris faithfully cared for their home and children. They served in Bolivia for 20 years with WGM and an additional 14 years in Guatemala and Honduras with other missions agencies.

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