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Life as a Mid-Term Missionary: A Photo Essay

Life as a Mid-Term Missionary: A Photo Essay

MAY 13, 2021   |   4 MINUTE READ

When Isaac Jines got laid off from his dream job in 2021, he wasn’t as disappointed as he would have expected. Instead, he took it as a sign that God was about to lead him down a different path, one where he could serve God and others in new ways. He served in Honduras as part of WGM’s mid-term program for three months that summer and fell in love with the country and its people. Here is a glimpse of his time there.

Looking out the windshield at vehicles on the freeway in front of you with a Honduran flag flying overhead.

God’s timing always amazes me!

After debating how I could serve and say yes to God’s call, I was laid off from my dream job. God had removed the barriers, so I went to serve for three months in Honduras. I was so glad to get to go without anything holding me back.

A photo overlooking the ocean on the left and Isaac Jines standing on a bluff with the city behind him.

Though Honduras is a small country, it has a lot of geographical diversity. During my time there, the Lord allowed me to travel a lot with my host family! I’ve seen developed cities and the Caribbean, and I even got to put my feet in the Pacific Ocean for the first time!

A motorcyclist driving down a steep road with houses on either side towards more village in the distance.

I had the chance to visit a village up in the mountains, and it was cold enough that I had to wear a jacket (not something I expected to do in Honduras!).

A plate with a cooked whole fish and other delicacies.

I’ve tried a lot of new foods and found myself choosing the local cuisine most of the time, even when North American chain restaurants were available. Two common foods served in Honduras are fried plantains and baleadas (a flour tortilla with butter, egg, avocado, and refried beans). One of my favorite snacks was a semita, a soft sweet bread with sugar on top. It’s great with a cup of coffee! Another one of my favorite meals was a whole fish.

Left: a bag of chips and a coke in a plastic bag, Right: Isaac taking a break with a co-worker

Food is always a great way to connect with people. Near El Sembrador there was a pulperia, which is a roadside convenience store run out of someone’s home (these are common in Honduras). I would get Coke (in a bag) and chips for a break with the guys I worked with, and we would have great conversations! I don’t even like pop, but it was a great way to bond with them and let the Lord do His work.

A photo of a little red buggy and a converted school bus on a city street and a photo of a pickup truck with eight or more people in the bed on a country road.

Travel is a little different in Honduras than in the States, as well. For example, the speed limit is in kilometers instead of miles, and the only paved roads are the main highways that connect the cities. A lot of public transportation is available, though, including little red buggies, converted school buses, and larger motorcoaches.

It’s also pretty common to pile in the back of a pickup, though.

A large shade tree in the foreground with multiple buildings across a lawn.

I was hoping to work with youth in Honduras. But even though the pandemic meant no students were on campus at El Sembrador during my time there, God showed me other ways to help keep the campus up and running.

Isaac Jines with a large piece of equipment on the left and playing his harmonica during a worship service on the right

I was able to work with the maintenance crew at the school, working on equipment, repairing a bridge that was damaged in a hurricane, painting, and constructing a building for a new dairy product project. It was so fulfilling to labor alongside these men, laughing and sharing life with them.

I even stepped out of my comfort zone and played my harmonica during a worship service, which was a great way to connect with others. It doesn’t matter what language we speak—we all understand music!

Isaac Jines being served cake by Honduran women at an outdoor gathering.

During these three months in Honduras, the Lord showed me that wherever He asked me to work, my most important calling would be simply living life among the people he placed me with and allowing Him to work through me.

Before I came to Honduras, God had moved during my devotional time one day. He gave me an image of myself standing in front of a group of people. The land behind them was very mountainous, and at that moment, I knew the Lord was asking me to go work in a foreign land. This work in Honduras was God’s dream job for me.

Nothing about serving in Honduras went the way I planned. Yet it was more fulfilling and enriching than words can describe. I’ve learned that, whether in foreign lands or right out your back door, there’s work to be done. I know this time in Honduras was just the beginning of many years of laboring for the Lord.

Looking up a river towards the mountains


PRAY: Please pray that God will continue to reveal His plan for Isaac’s life and that Isaac will continue to be faithful in following that plan. Lift up the work in Honduras and ask God to continue using those who serve there to shine His light and love into those they come into contact with.

GO: Like Isaac, do you have a heart to serve God and love others? Are you discontented and yearning to take a step of faith? We’d love to help you figure out how your passion intersects with God’s heart for the world. Learn more about our mid-term program and see if it might be a good fit for you.

Author Bio: Isaac Jines is from Holton, Indiana. He is passionate about ministering to youth and sharing his life experiences to encourage others surrender to the Lord.

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