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More Than Basketball

More Than Basketball

APRIL 17, 2023   |   2 MINUTE READ

We prayed that one person would say yes to God. That was our hope.

Our University Discipleship Movement team (a WGM ministry in Uganda) was planning a basketball tournament with a spiritual emphasis. In the midst of the frantic logistical preparation—making flyers, hiring referees, renting a court, purchasing supplies—we prepared spiritually, asking God to bring one person to Himself.

A group of basketball players in orange jerseys talk in a circle on the sidelines with a game going on in the background.

Discussing strategy during the tournament.

The tournament featured four teams: one from a local university, two from high schools, and one from our church in Kampala.

One of the teams came from Dankind Academy Basketball, a private school founded by former NBA players Luol Deng and Manute Bol. Dankind specifically recruits skilled players to connect them with European leagues and American universities.

Thus, it was no surprise that Dankind—with its team of future professional players, four of whom are nearly seven feet tall—ended up winning the championship.

A team of basketball players in white and red uniforms pose with their championship trophy.

The Dankind Academy Basketball team with the championship trophy.

But the more eternal part of the day came after the first round of games when we took a break for lunch and a Gospel presentation. Albert, one of the campus pastors with UDM, gathered all the attendees. With clarity and cultural relevance, Albert discussed the challenges of growing up in East Africa and the hope found in Jesus Christ. The audience appeared to listen intently.

When Albert finished, the teams split up and a UDM representative went with each one for further discussion. These representatives reshared the Gospel and asked if anyone wanted to follow Jesus.

People sitting in the stands, many with their heads bowed and hands clasped together.

The attendees were moved by the Gospel presentation.

Remembering that we had prayed for at least one to say yes to Jesus that day, we were eager to hear from the representatives about these individual team meetings.

And wow, did God show off! We were overwhelmed with joy when reports came back that at least sixteen young men and women had just accepted Jesus.

When we submit ourselves to Him, He uses even our hobbies to make His name great.

From a basketball perspective, the tournament was successful. The games were competitive and the environment enjoyable. It was encouraging to see God work in that way.

But more importantly, He prepared the hearts of the attendees and called sixteen people to Himself that day. Our God is bigger and more faithful than we can comprehend. We asked for one; He answered with sixteen. When we submit ourselves to Him, He uses even our hobbies to make His name great.


GO: Do you have a hobby that God can use to glorify His name? Consider using it to minister cross-culturally! Maybe your athletic team can host a tournament like this, your art club can teach painting classes for kids, or your band can lead worship at a camp. Fill out an interest form here!

Author Bio: Matthew and Ally Cable are missionaries in Uganda. They minister to students through their work with the University Discipleship Movement.

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