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Morning Star Ranch with Eszti Landerholm

Morning Star Ranch with Eszti Landerholm

Eszti Landerholm and her family are WGM missionaries working with a unique ministry in the Hungarian countryside. Eszti was interviewed for this piece by staff writer, Angela Olsen.

Will you tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Eszter Landerholm, but most people call me Eszti. My husband, Mark, and I live and serve in Hungary with WGM. We have two little boys. Samuel is 4 and Nathan is 2.

How did you get involved with Morning Star Ranch?

When I was a teenager in Hungary, my parents longed for a peaceful place for our family to take a break from our hectic life. The idea of being in the middle of nowhere very much appealed to my dad who never really had a break from his work as a doctor. My parents purchased a farm out on the Hungarian countryside, and we started spending school breaks there. We all felt like being out in nature, doing the simple daily tasks, and working with horses brought us closer to Jesus and to each other as a family. While initially the idea was to escape to the farm, we always had company, so Jesus gave our family the vision to share the Gospel through this place, and the idea of Morning Star Ranch Ministries was born.

We started doing summer horse camps as a family in 2006. As the ministry grew, Jesus called others to serve with us. We also got involved in orphan ministry. God not only expanded Morning Star Ranch’s reach, but our family also grew as I gained four more siblings through adoption.

Morning Star Ranch Ministry is now operating all year round. We continue to work with orphans, foster children, and special needs groups. We have weekly riding lessons, spiritual retreats, horsemanship clinics, and summer camps, to name a few of our ongoing projects. Emphasis on discipleship is in the core of all that we do, so there are biweekly Bible studies year-round for the youth who are involved at the ranch and serve as camp counsellors. Additionally, we raise Hungarian grey cattle and breed horses (PRE, American Azteca, and American quarter horse) to make the ranch self-sustainable.

How are you and your husband currently working with the ranch?

I work as one of the horseback riding instructors and oversee the orphan ministry in addition to planning events. My husband, Mark, teaches the Bible studies, plans and runs events, and serves as one of the main teachers during camps.

Is your family still involved with Morning Star Ranch?

My parents and siblings remain actively involved with Morning Star Ranch Ministry. While the ministry is now much greater than just us, it has been a joy to serve Jesus as a family.

Our boys adore horses.

Do your boys share your love of horses? Do they ride with you?

We have two little boys (4 and 2 years old) who adore horses. They love to ride them, pet them, groom them, and feed them. They have been riding with me since they were babies, sitting in front of me in the saddle. It is fun to see them now sitting up there by themselves. The mom in me is sometimes worried, but my riding instructor side is very proud when they overcome their fears and learn to do something new.

What is one of your favorite things about working with Morning Star Ranch?

I love sharing Jesus with others, teaching children, and working with horses—and at Morning Star Ranch, I get to combine all these!

Our boys have been riding since they were babies.

God has a beautiful way of using the desires of our heart for His purposes, just as He did with horses and the countryside to start Morning Star Ranch Ministries. What desires is God putting on your heart? Could He be using those desires to further His purposes and reach those around you? We want to encourage you today to pray and ask God what He might want to do through you.

Read more about the Landerholm family. Learn more about Morning Star Ranch Ministries on their Facebook page.

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