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Pray for Albania

Pray for Albania

October 24, 2017

The year is 1967, and under Communism in Albania, all mosques and churches are closed and all religious observances are prohibited. For the next 34 years, private religious practice will not be allowed, and the first Albanian Bible will not be printed until 1994. Can you imagine growing up in such an environment and not knowing the joy of Christ?

Today, 70 percent of Albanians are Muslims and less than 1 percent are evangelical Christians. WGM is on the front lines in Albania, reaching Albanians for Christ. WGM can help you get involved in reaching this culture. Visit for more information.

Prayercast is an organization that specializes in video, photography, and other mediums to bring attention to the need for prayer around the world. Watch this video by Prayercast and join thousands of others in praying for the country of Albania today. Do not settle for quick prayers, but get down on your knees and lift up the country of Albania to the Lord in a way that will shake the earth and bring about a great change! Together we can change the world!

“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for.”  – Charles H. Spurgeon

Video by

Prayercast | Albania from Prayercast on Vimeo.

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