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Pray for God’s Presence

Pray for God’s Presence


Asking for the Lord’s presence in our ministries

The Bible is filled with stories that highlight the need for God’s presence in the midst of ministry. In the Old Testament, we see many well-known leaders asking for this: Jacob (Genesis 32:26), Moses (Exodus 33:15), Gideon (Judges 6:17-18), Hannah (1 Samuel 1:11), Solomon (2 Chronicles 1:10-12), the disciples who spent time directly with Jesus (Luke 11:1). Today, we also recognize the need for God’s presence in all World Gospel Mission does. From our start in University Park, Iowa on June 10, 1910, we’ve depended on His presence and faithfulness. It continues to be an inspiration to us each and every day.

The following is a story of one of WGM’s founding missionaries, Dr. Cecil Troxel. Dr. Troxel constantly depended on the presence of God. This story was written in The Best of the Story: Miraculous Answers to Prayer by WGM retiree Burnis H. Bushong. We hope this story will serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to WGM as well as an inspiration to us today.

Faithfully Holding the Ropes

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2 ESV)

Missionary Dr. Cecil Troxel wrote the following from China in the early 1900s:

Often I am so rushed I fail to get as much quiet and prayer as I long for, but I have asked the Lord to keep me from getting into the bondage to time. I know it is not according to my time, ‘be it unto me,’ but ‘according to my faith.’ I take up my Bible and in a few short minutes my soul is feasted. Why? Someone has prayed. In haste I take up my Bible, look to the Lord for a message; the text is suddenly given for that service. The text even mysteriously opened and outlined before me. I kneel and say ‘thank thee, Jesus.’ A prayer has got through.

Suddenly in the midst of delivering the message [God] put on my heart, a peculiar solemn hush falls upon the service. Some unsaved one prays through; the light of sanctification dawns on some believers; and inquirer sees the need to make restitution; a backslider is reclaimed; then, yes, right in the midst of such blessing and power, I very conscientiously take a moment to lift my heart in silent prayer and say, “Thank thee, Lord, thank thee, Lord, thank thee. They are definitely holding the ropes.”

Who bears your burdens or holds your ropes? Thank those who are praying for your ministry and bearing your burdens in the midst of the work you are doing. The presence of God in our ministry is vital.

Author Bio: Greg Leeth and his wife, Teresa, currently serve with Member Health over the areas of Oceania and the Americas. He is also the Prayer Initiative Coordinator for WGM.

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