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Scattered Seed Brought Abundant Harvest

Scattered Seed Brought Abundant Harvest

APRIL 11, 2023   |   1 MINUTE READ

Here’s a story of how God worked through a tragic situation in Bolivia several decades ago. This story appeared in The Best of the Story: Miraculous Answers to Prayer by Dr. Burnis H. Bushong.

As Dennis and Twana Johnson were serving as house parents for missionary children at the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center in Bolivia, they assisted in the planting of a new urban church near the river Pirai in Santa Cruz. 

Months of hard work went into the project, and all rejoiced in the solid, growing congregation that was established with its own Bolivian pastor. Discipleship was strongly emphasized, and prospects for the future were very encouraging.

A raging river at flood stage

However, torrential tropical rains devastated the area, and the river went on a rampage. As Dennis approached the area in the jeep, from a distance he saw only the remains of what had been their place of worship. Not only had the church been reduced to a pile of rubble, but many of the believers’ homes had also been destroyed. He was discouraged, and in his desperation he prayed, “Oh God, we are here to build churches and not to see them destroyed.”

The believers were scattered and had to secure homes in widely separated areas. The discipleship principles they had learned were immediately put into practice, and within a few weeks the dispersed members had started three separate congregations. These congregations in turn helped to create others.

A large field filled with lush green plants

The people who gathered in the newly established churches would not have begun to fit into the building that had been destroyed by the flood. The scattered seed produced an abundant harvest.


PRAY: God may have a plan to use your circumstances in ways you aren’t expecting. What looks like destruction may, in fact, be the beginning of new growth. As you pray, ask God to open your eyes to His plans and to increase your trust in Him.

GO: How could God use you to scatter seed? Is He sending you somewhere you never imagined you would go? We’d love to help you explore the call He’s placed on your heart. Check out our interactive map to see your opportunities to serve.

Author Bio: Dr. Burnis H. Bushong served with his wife, Thelma, first on the Texas/Mexico Border, then in Honduras and Bolivia, and finally as a Vice President at the WGM headquarters in Marion, Indiana, for a total of nearly fifty years. He served as field director of multiple ministry locations and authored several books during his lifetime, contributing both to the impact of World Gospel Mission and the preservation of its history. Burnis went to be with the Lord on May 17, 2020.

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