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Seeking God during Ramadan

Seeking God during Ramadan

MARCH 28, 2022   |   1.5 MINUTE READ

In a few days, 1.8 billion people around the world will begin observing Ramadan. From April 2 through May 1, Muslims observe Ramadan and seek Allah through fasting and prayer. Join us in praying for Jesus, the one true God, to reveal Himself to them. 

Two women sitting crosslegged on the floor reading


  • Islam has five pillars or tenets that all Muslims accept; two of these are prayer and fasting, which are also emphasized in Christianity.  
  • Ramadan is the ninth month in the Muslim calendar and is considered the holiest month for Muslims.
  • During Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and dusk.
  • Muslims fast from food but also from earthly pleasures as an act of faith and worship toward God and as a way to seek forgiveness.
  • Each evening after sunset, the fast is broken with a meal called iftar that is shared among family and friends.


“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (NIV)

Ramadan presents a huge opportunity for Christians to pray for Muslims. Since Jesus is the only way to the Father, we should pray that He will come to meet those who might be more spiritually open during this month of fasting and seeking. God can move powerfully during this season; let us partner with Him in prayer.


  • Sign up for fifteen-minute prayer slots to cover the country of Yemen in prayer twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Pray that Muslims will encounter Jesus through dreams and visions, which many Muslim-background believers have reported were instrumental in their conversion.
  • Pray that those whose hearts are soft and open to Jesus will engage with someone locally or virtually who can help them learn more about who Jesus is.
  • Pray Luke 10:2, that God would send more people with a heart for reaching Muslims, whether that be going across the street or across the world.

A brilliant sunset behind a mosque


To learn more about Muslims and how to pray for them, check out these resources:

  • Prayercast—A free video resource to help you pray for Muslims around the world

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