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The Arrow that Missed Its Mark

The Arrow that Missed Its Mark

Stories have the power to teach and to inspire. That’s why we share them, generation after generation, passing down the history of what has come before us. As Christians and as missionaries, there is great value in hearing the stories of our past, which is why we continue to share with you pieces of The Best of the Story: Miraculous Answers to Prayer by WGM retiree Burnis H. Bushong, a compilation of incredible, true stories of God working through World Gospel Mission around the world. May you be inspired to live and serve fully on the path God has set before you.

“You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day” (Psalm 91:5 NIV). LeRoy Lindahl learned to fly in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was greatly influenced by the death of five missionaries who were murdered by Auca Indians in January 1956. One of the martyrs was a missionary pilot.

LeRoy and his wife, Mary, applied to World Gospel Mission as missionaries, were accepted, and arrived in Bolivia in 1960. Before becoming the chief pilot of the Wings of Peace airplane, LeRoy was assigned to work at Camp Pulpit, which was WGM’s base camp for reaching the indigenous people of the Yugui jungle who had a reputation for great violence.

By chance, a platoon of Bolivian soldiers was in the same area to explore possible sites for a future colony for civilized Indians from the highland area of Bolivia. LeRoy, along with one of his local Bolivian workers, led the officer in charge on a brief journey, inspecting the jungle. They took dogs with them to alert the party of any nearby Yuqui Indians.

Suddenly they were ambushed by three Yuquis. They were all taken by surprise—even the dogs. LeRoy moved his head just a split second before an arrow slid harmlessly along the back of his neck. The Indians then fired additional arrows, but they fell nearby, and no one was harmed. LeRoy believes God Himself pushed his head out of the path of the arrow. He also feels that one of his supporters was praying for him on that day.

Leroy Lindahl preaching

The day was climaxed by a service at Camp Pulpit. The group working with LeRoy invited the soldiers to come to the meeting. When the invitation was given, all the soldiers—about 20—accepted Christ as their Savior. This victory was even more important than being delivered from the ambush!

Not a shaft can hit until His love sees fit.

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