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WGM Day of Prayer 2021

WGM Day of Prayer 2021

JUNE 17, 2021    |    2.5 MINUTE READ

Each year in June, the anniversary of WGM’s founding, we celebrate in the best way we know how—with prayer. As you celebrate with us this year, we want to take a look at something familiar in a new way. We’ll be diving into the Lord’s Prayer, taking time to really examine and ponder each part of it, then letting it lead us into a prayer of our own. Join us as we follow Jesus’ example of turning to God.

The Lord’s Prayer   |   MATTHEW 6:9–13 (ESV)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name
  • Our Father. List as many names of God as you can think of. Meditate on these names and what they each have to say about His character. Praise God for who He is.
  • Hallowed. Praise God for being holy. Think about what it means that He is the only one who is truly holy. That He is pure. Unblemished. Without sin.


Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Your kingdom. Look for traits of God’s kingdom in His Word. Make a list of these traits.
  • On earth. Pray for God’s kingdom to spread to every language, culture, and nation. Ask Him how you can play a part in taking the Gospel to others and ask Him to give you His heart for reconciling the world to Him.


Give us this day our daily bread,
  • Daily bread. List your needs for today and the needs of those in your community. These can be physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional needs.
  • Give us this day. Pray a prayer of trust that God will provide for those needs. Pray believing that He will be faithful to fulfill His promises to care for us. As you look at this list of needs, surrender them to Him.


and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
  • Our debtors. Reflect on the hurts you or someone close to you have experienced this last week. List the brokenness you see in this situation, whether it’s a damaged relationship, a flawed system, or an injustice. Spend time forgiving those you feel are responsible. This may be difficult, so take as long as you need on this step.
  • Our debts. List the ways you have wronged God and others this week. Again, go through this list and ask God for forgiveness for each item.


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
  • Temptation. List out your personal temptations. What causes you to stumble or stray far from God? Be honest with Him.
  • Deliver us. Pray for protection against the forces of evil. This might include your temptations, or it might be other spiritual elements. Ask the Lord to intervene and protect your family, your friends, missionaries, and communities around the world during this time.


Thank you for joining us in a unique celebration today and praying through the Lord’s Prayer with us. We’re so grateful to be part of a community that values prayer. God works in miraculous ways in answer to the prayers of His people, and we can’t wait to see what He’s been doing today.

Continue to Partner with Us in Prayer
  • Prayer Videos Pray over each of the regions around the world where our missionaries serve.
  • Take the Luke 10:2 Challenge Every day, at 10:02, join us in asking the Lord to send more missionaries into the world.
  • Prayer Lifeline Stay updated on what’s going on around the world and how you can be praying each month.
  • Prayer Calendar Pray for a different missionary, missionary kid, and staff member each day.
  • More Prayer Resources We have an entire page on our website devoted to prayer and giving you the resources that will help your prayer life grow and deepen.

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