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Why Did You Miss My House?

Why Did You Miss My House?

AUGUST 14, 2023   |   2 MINUTE READ

While attending an evangelism workshop in west Kenya, I and sixty others left our facility in small groups, heading in different directions to share the Gospel. One day, a group reported that they had walked the dirt path to a small gathering area, where several paths intersected. The evangelists returned and said, “One of our groups needs to return to this place tomorrow. We ran out of time, and many people were interested in the Gospel message.” 

The next day, my group was designated to return to the gathering place at the foot path intersection. As we were walking toward the area, a young Kenyan man came nearly running toward me. Even before we reached the intersection, I could tell something was heavy on his mind.

With both excitement and remorse in his voice, he said to me, “I heard you were out here yesterday telling people about Jesus.” I told him that was true, and before I could say anything else, he said, “Why did you miss my house?” I was not anticipating this question. The Holy Spirit was so present in this moment. I could see tears begin to trickle down his dusty brown face.

A young man standing in an intersection on a dusty rural path lined with green trees and dried brush with large hills in the background.

I apologized to him and explained we did not “miss his house” on purpose. Our new friend shared with us that he had been waiting all night long at the foot path intersection, hoping that someone would come back and tell him about this Jesus he had heard about. He said, “I thought someone came to tell me about Jesus and I missed it.”

I explained to him that we were coming with the same Good News. He listened closely as I shared the Gospel with him. During the time of repentance, we knelt with him right on the dusty dirt path, and he accepted Jesus as his personal Savior.

My Kenyan team began to sing a praise song in the local tribal language. A group of people began gathering around us, curious what this missionary and others were doing to create such joy. We continued sharing the Gospel near the dirt path intersection and several others came to the saving grace of Jesus.

We could never forget his heartfelt question: “Why did you miss my house?”

The young man was concerned that his family was not there and might be missing out. He asked us if we could come to his village and tell them the story of Jesus. So, we followed him another couple of miles back to his family.

He called everyone out to stop whatever they were doing and listen. We shared the Gospel, and twelve members of his family received the gift of eternal life that afternoon. Our new friend was overjoyed and literally smiling from ear to ear. What a day sharing the Good News of Jesus to a lost and dying world! We could never forget his heartfelt question: “Why did you miss my house?”


PRAY: Ask the Lord to continue the work He has started in Kenya. Pray that He will help you understand your role in evangelism and know how to be bold when sharing the Gospel wherever you are.

GO: Is God calling you to reach one more house with His Good News? Are you passionate about spreading His love and hope to others? Check out our interactive opportunity map to see how your passions intersect with God’s heart for the world.

Author Bio: During the 1990's, Randy Gant and his wife, Linda, served in eight countries throughout East & Northeast Africa as missionaries for eight years with the Nazarene Church. They are returning to Kenya as area team leaders in 2023, “to finish the work assigned to them” (Acts 20:24).

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