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The Call

Clear Filters
08 May 19
Dr. Dan Schafer
President's Perspective: Success Requires Failure
Dr. Dan Schafer, president
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06 May 19
Alex Gergely
Six Ways to Pray for Your Missionaries
Alex Gergely, staff writer
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01 May 19
Dr. Andrea Parker
in Kenya
Healing through Community
Dr. Andrea Parker, Missionary to Kenya
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30 Apr 19
Nathanael Sommers with Angela Olsen and Connor Owen
in USA: Texas/Mexico Border
Hope at the Border
Nathanael Sommers, WGM missionary | Angela Olsen and Connor Owen, staff writers
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29 Apr 19
Bonnie Gouge
in Papua New Guinea
Generational Faith
Bonnie Gouge, WGM Missionary
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05 Nov 18
Nathan Metz
in Uganda
The Worth and the Cost
Nathan Metz, missionary in Uganda
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