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The Call

Clear Filters
19 May 20
Dr. Dan Schafer
President’s Perspective
Dr. Dan Schafer, president
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19 May 20
Kateland Vernon
Our First Home
As He so frequently does, God chose something that had been rejected by the majority.
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19 May 20
Diane Bennett
in Papua New Guinea
Meet Christina
"I only have a desire to learn all I can about God and to serve Him."
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19 May 20
Burnis H. Bushong
in Kenya
We Are Called to Africa
"It is not how much money we have, but is it God's will for us to open work in Africa?"
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19 May 20
Burnis H. Bushong
The Day the Mountain Blew Its Top
Jim and his companions had gone only a few hundred yards...when they heard the mountain explode.
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19 May 20
Prayer Guide 2020
June–November, 2020 Prayer Guide
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