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The Call

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09 Oct 20
in Albania, Honduras, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, USA: Southwest Ministries, USA: Stockton, California
God’s Love Fully on Display
WGM global workers have responded to the pandemic in creative ways.
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29 Sep 20
Billy and Joanna Coppedge
in Uganda
Radio Gospel: An Unexpected Response to COVID-19
God is using radio to bring transformation during COVID-19.
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23 Sep 20
in Honduras
One More Step
God often reveals just enough so that we can see the next step we're supposed to take.
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18 Sep 20
Kateland Vernon
in USA: Stockton, California
A Future Transformed
God uses difficult circumstances of our past to help break cycles of hurt and pain within communities.
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19 May 20
Charles Winters
in Bolivia
The Church-Planting Effort That Failed
I announced to the people that this would be the only night….My church-planting effort had failed.
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19 May 20
Virginia M. Sill
in India
God Goes Before
"Whatever step we have taken forward, we have always found Him before us...."
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