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The Call

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14 May 21
Prayer Guide Spring/Summer 2021
June–November 2021 Prayer Guide
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14 May 21
Dr. Dan Schafer
President’s Perspective: The Intersection
Dr. Dan Schafer, President
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20 Oct 20
Prayer Guide 2020/2021
December 2020–May 2021 Prayer Guide
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19 Oct 20
Laura Arnott
in USA: Southwest Ministries
God’s Faithfulness Amidst Uncertainty
Even when our circumstances change, we can trust that our God is faithful.
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15 Oct 20
Kateland Vernon
in Spain
Cross-Cultural Ministry from Home: Innovating during COVID-19
Two global workers found a way to start serving from home.
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14 Oct 20
Dr. Dan Schafer
President’s Perspective
Dr. Dan Schafer, president
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