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Building Your Ministry Team

Building Your Ministry Team

JUNE 9, 2024   |   3 MINUTE READ

A moment that any missionary can recount with great detail is when God spoke to them—when He called them to a place and a people that were not their own. A place God would lead them to.

These often young, wide-eyed, bold followers of Jesus have readily declared yes to His invitation to follow Him to the ends of the earth.

But soon, one word appears to stand in the way of that calling…“Fundraising.”

God Didn’t Call Me to That

The first time a missionary begins to think about fundraising, it’s easy for them to believe, God didn’t call me to that. Or, Won’t this distract me from the real ministry? Or maybe even, That’s not my skillset. I’m just a teacher and missionary!

The Good News of Fundraising

Three missionaries to Paraguay recently went through BUILD, WGM’s fundraising training. And they’ve shared how BUILD helped free them from these self-limiting thoughts and gave them a new, fresh, and biblical perspective on fundraising.

Missionaries you’ll be hearing from:

Photos of missionaries Hannah Johnson on the left and Andres and Bethany Donahue on the right

Hannah Johnson (left) and Andrés and Bethany Donahue (right)

Here’s the good news of fundraising at WGM as a missionary:

It’s not fundraising.

We don’t call it fundraising, because that focuses solely on the funds (money). Instead, we call it Ministry Partnership Development. While this shift might feel like semantics, it better describes what we’re all about. Missionaries are building teams of people who execute the ministry—all the way from donating, praying, and writing newsletters to helping plan church engagements.

“One of these big mindset shifts was how we invite people to partner with the ministry in more ways than just finances and prayer. I had never thought of having people help schedule meetings or write thank-you cards. The ministry is not mine, it's the Lord's.” —Hannah

“We have a lot of friends who are recent graduates. While they are excited for our journey to serve in Paraguay, not all of them will be able to partner with us financially. However, thinking about strategically creating positions on a ministry team that will assist us with homeland ministry assignment gives us a place for those friends desiring to support the work God is doing in Paraguay in ways other than financial partnership.” —The Donahues

It’s not a distraction.

A missionary’s time building a ministry partnership team IS ministry, not a hurdle standing in the way of “real” ministry.

“Home assignment isn't time away from ministry, but just a different type of ministry.” —Hannah

“We left the training recognizing our time of building our ministry partnership team as true ministry.” —The Donahues

You are not alone.

You are not alone as you build this team. Staff and missionaries at WGM rally around other missionaries, helping them make the plans and execute the vision on how to create this team.

“I am not alone. Sometimes the financial number seems like such a big hurdle, but I was reminded there are many who have and who are [building teams], and the Lord continues to provide.” —Hannah

It’s not up to just you.

You can find great freedom while building a ministry partnership team.

“It's not your responsibility to raise the funds. If God has called you, He will provide the partners needed to accomplish the calling. It is, however, our responsibility to be faithful in completing the tasks set before us—like connecting with people.” —Hannah

“It is not your job to convince people to partner with you financially. You simply ask them to ask the Holy Spirit what He would have them do. The results are up to God. Your job is just to faithfully present what God is doing in your life and on the field where you're being called to serve.” —The Donahues

It will strengthen your faith.

Building a ministry partnership team strengthens the faith of the missionary.

“The process of support raising did so much to grow my faith and prepare me for the field. … Without the growing process of [building a team], I am not sure that I would still be serving in the capacity that I am.” —Hannah

It’s not a roadblock. It’s a growth opportunity.

Ministry Partnership Development is not a roadblock to becoming a missionary. It is a part of ministry that helps missionaries learn to trust God in new and deeper ways. It’s also a way to disciple fellow brothers and sisters to take part in what God is doing all around the world through partnerships.

At WGM, it’s our joy to see missionaries and their partners unified and on mission for Jesus. Because in the body of Christ, we do ministry together.

Action Steps

GO: Has God called you to join Him in what He’s doing around the world, but building a ministry partnership team seems too daunting? Start the conversation with our team today and see how WGM will stand by your side, equipping you with the tools and resources you need to successfully build a team around you to go where God has called you.

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