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Retired missionary and support staff.
Retired missionary to Bolivia and the American Indian Field—a teacher at heart
God has made it clear to us as a family that He wants us to be fully committed to ministry among our own people.
We are serving in Cambodia.
I serve as Western mobilizer in Mobilization.
My calling in Spain to serve North African immigrants through WGM to build relationships and share God's love.
I serve in Paraguay in discipleship ministries through the local church with youth and young adult ministries, prison ministry, and where the Lord...
Serving as a mid-term missionary in Paraguay during the summer of 2024.
I serve as the mailroom operator.
I serve with Financial Services and Advancement as Donor Relations Specialist.
Retiree from Kenya
I work with Least of These in Nairobi, Kenya, and surrounding areas to serve orphaned and vulnerable children with special needs.
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