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I am serving in the United States under Special Assignment.
We will be serving in Japan.
Retired missionary to the American Indian Field
Jacob and Lauren Fraher serve impoverished children in Kenya seeking life-saving medical care at Tenwek Hospital.
Retired missionaries who served in Kenya and Tanzania.
Dan is a U.S. based global worker involved in medical ministries.
We come to WGM after many years of pastoral ministry “to finish the work assigned to us.”
I work with marginalized women in Sub-Saharan Africa through counseling and spiritual development.
I serve as Assistant Vice President of International Ministries
We serve as mid-term missionaries at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, East Africa.
Retired missionaries who served in Bolivia, Argentina, and in regional leadership in South America.
I am serving in Jamaica, focusing on discipleship within Holistic Care Ministry among families.
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