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We serve as regional directors for the WGM Americas Region, providing leadership to missionaries serving in North, Central and South America.
I serve as superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.
Retired missionaries to Honduras and the Americas Region
Retired missionaries and support staff
I am serving in Paraguay as a mid-term missionary.
I serve as Director of Student Involvement at WGM's student center at Ohio Christian University.
Retired missionary to Papua New Guinea and Kenya
I serve in Nairobi, Kenya, with Least of These, a ministry to orphaned and/or vulnerable children.
We serve as international missionaries with Mango Ministries in South Sudan.
I serve as a staff accountant at World Gospel Mission Headquarters.
Retired missionaries and support staff
We are involved in printing ministries at The Print Shop and in a new ministry called Delights—A Ministry Helping Ministries
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
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