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Southwest Ministries Camps Fund

ID: 23749
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Jesus Christ loves kids! And kids love camp—songs, games, crafts, and new friends! Bring the two together by providing camping experiences throughout the year that change lives through Christ-centered camp programming. Help us provide an affordable camp opportunity to underprivileged Native American children and youth so that they can have fun and learn how much Jesus loves them!

Sponsor a camper! Weekend camp programs cost about $200 a camper to put on. We ask campers to pay $40 for the weekend. Help us offset the cost of camp by sponsoring a camper at $160 or even the full $200!

10 x 10 Challenge: If you are looking for a more creative way to make an impact for camps and want to encourage others to join you, we suggest trying out our 10 x 10 fundraiser. Simply donate $10 or more to camps and challenge 10 other people to match your donation. It can be friends, family, a Sunday school class or small groups. For more information, contact Doug & Becky Darfus.

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