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Albania Crisis Fund

ID: 25150
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On the morning of Tuesday, November 26, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the western side of Albania. More than 50 individuals across the region lost their lives. The village in which WGM Global Workers Nathan and Cydil Waggoner and Tiffany Janofski live and serve was directly impacted. One in four homes in their community has been condemned, leaving these displaced families to sleep in their cars, tents, or other makeshift housing.

Due to the scope of the crisis, the government has been slow or unable to assist smaller villages like the one in which our workers live. Therefore, the church has been the sole distributor of aid to this particular community. The ministry center from which they hold programs and church is serving lunch every day to around 60 people. 

A photo showing a heavily damaged home

We have set up a fund to help purchase trailers for eight of the most vulnerable families. These trailers cost about $3000 each and will better shelter them during the cold winter months. The fund will also help offset the costs of solar lights, heaters, mattresses, blankets, and other crisis relief items. With your help, we will be able to care for those who have been affected by the earthquakes. Thank you for enabling us to be a tangible expression of God’s love during this crisis.

A photo of a woman who is sleeping in the back of her car, a photo of a makeshift tent, and a photo of a couple and their bed, which is in a greenhouse.

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