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Tenwek: Compassionate Orthopedic

ID: 25239
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The Compassionate Ortho Fund Project exists to assist needy orthopedic patients in paying for the hospital bills they incur while at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya. Tenwek is a ministry of World Gospel Mission and Africa Gospel Church, started as a single-nurse dispensary in 1937 and is now a 300-bed hospital and training center. Many patients don’t have the national insurance (NHIF) that helps cover their costs, and if they don’t, chances are good that they lack the funds for surgery.

This can be devastating to patients and their families for several reasons. Many will sell livestock and land to pay their bills, and children may miss school for lack of funds. Thus, families struggle to recover financially for a long period of time. It is a viscous cycle, and this fund attempts to intervene in special cases of extreme need. The fund is maintained by generous donations from visitors to Tenwek and supporters like you who feel the burden for the added suffering patients endure when financial issues get in the way of health.

Here’s how you can partner with this project and the Kenyan patients in need:


Pray that this fund reaches those who need it most and that the Lord can work in miraculous ways through those who receive it. Pray for the doctors and administrators charged with handling and distributing aid, and finally pray that when need arises, this fund will always be available to help.


When you give, you help keep orthopedic patients healthy and stress-free. Thank you for considering donating to the Compassionate Ortho Fund. WGM trusts that the faithful giving of partners like you will continue to bless the lives of people around the world.

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