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Tenwek Hospital: ED/ICU Equipment

ID: 35279
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Tenwek Hospital desperately needs additional equipment in their emergency and critical areas. Right now, we have nurses counting the number of drips coming out of an IV bottle to give patients the correct dose of life-saving medications like insulin, antibiotics, or vasopressors. We have a very limited supply of patient monitors and often have two patients share a monitor. Right now, our beds in our ICU do not have the ability to raise or lower and our nurses have to physically lift or lower our spinal injury patients, sometimes up to a foot from a cot onto the bed using just a sheet. 

Partnering financially with this project provides critical ICU and emergency department equipment within Tenwek Hospital. When you give, you will help little babies receive a safe amount of fluid, antibiotics, and medications to keep their hearts pumping. By giving, you will help us outfit our critical care areas to know when our patient’s health changes. You will also help our nursing staff provide excellent care while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those in need.

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