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TMBM: Immigrant Connection in the Valley

ID: 21586
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Our mission is to ensure greater access to high-quality, low-cost immigration legal services here in the Rio Grande Valley. We believe that when every immigrant family in the U.S. has access to immigration legal services, all families and communities can thrive. We are here to help low-income residents navigate the complex and expensive process of immigration paperwork. We are here to educate, protect, and show value and dignity to those seeking a better life in a land of opportunity.

We are another arm of Taylor Community Center (TCC), a WGM ministry. TCC seeks to share the love of Christ through offering recreation, education, clothing, resources, and friendship to children, youth, and adults of the Rio Grande Valley. Meeting the critical needs for our immigrant community allows us to delve deep into their lives and connect with them in other ways: physical, social, and—most importantly—spiritual.

Money raised will help to cover the ever-increasing costs of filing government paperwork and help sustain the cost of operating an office.

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