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Tenwek Hospital: Orthopedic Residency Fund

ID: 25240
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The Orthopedic Residency Fund’s purpose is to maintain financial support of orthopedic residents and the costs associated with training them while at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya. Tenwek is a ministry of World Gospel Mission and Africa Gospel Church, started as a single-nurse dispensary in 1937 and is now a 300-bed hospital and training center.

The cost of residency is about $25,000 USD per resident per year, so the need is great. This ministry fulfills one of the primary causes of WGM’s involvement at Tenwek Hospital—to train and disciple African orthopedic surgeons. When nationals are trained and adequately equipped, the laborers in the harvest field multiply and expand the message of the gospel.

One such example is Dr. Fasto, a resident from South Sudan who will be one of the first residents to graduate from the program. He hopes to return home and take care of his people, now equipped with not only the gospel, but also the surgical expertise that his country lacks.

Here’s how you can partner with WGM and the residents at Tenwek:


Pray for the education of residents at Tenwek and for the doctors entrusted with bringing up the next generation of African leaders. Pray also that all financial needs may be met through this fund and that God continues to provide for residents most in need.


You can help residents like Dr. Fasto achieve their dream. When you give, you help materialize God’s plan of rebirth and regeneration to countries across Africa through the support of national doctors.

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