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Tenwek Hospital: Pediatric Projects and Equipment Fund

ID: 35232
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By donating to this account today, you are supporting Pediatric Projects and Equipment at Tenwek.

Our current push is for phototherapy unit distribution both to Tenwek and to other hospitals around the world. If you would like to give to this, after entering the amount and pushing give, click "+ Add instructions to the finance office" and enter "lights."

Over the years, we have raised funds for various projects including renovating the NICU, buying syringe pumps, ventilators, and ultrasounds; building incubators, constructing an inpatient telemetry unit, and more. New needs are always coming up, and this fund allows us to meet them. If you would like to give to the current and future needs of the Pediatrics department at Tenwek Hospital, after entering the amount and pushing give, click "+ Add instructions to the finance office" and enter "general."

Thank you and may God bless you.

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