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Spain: Computer Equipment

ID: 31460
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We are in need of computers and monitors for the offices in the church and our two cultural centers. Our equipment is old and in need of an update.

Arab Ministries has two cultural centers/community centers that provide language classes for adults, children, and youth; homework help for youth and children; and extracurricular activities such as guitar club and art club. We host workshops to help immigrant or refugee families who have moved to Spain. We work alongside social workers to bring helpful educational programs to the community so they can be better qualified for work.

We host art therapy and mother-to-mother groups and other activities that we can use to engage with the community. The majority of our students come from an Arabic background, but we also serve our African population and many people from south Asia/Southeast Asia. We also have a few Ukranian students this year.

As a partner to the centers, we also have an Arabic church that meets weekly. This church is all Arab members, and the service is held in Arabic (because hearing the Gospel in your own language is powerful!). We host many events at the church that we can invite our students from the centers to.

Unfortunately, both of the centers and the church have outdated technology. The church doesn’t even have a printer! We would like to upgrade all of our computers this year at both of the centers and church. Help us buy two computers for each center and one for the church so that we can continue our outreach in this community!

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