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A church isn't just a building, but it does help!
Enable African women who come together in a safe place to heal, grow, and develop capacity for engaging in grassroots leadership work for their...
Partner with WGM Albania in developing a multipurpose covered sports facility.
Partner with The Sparrow's Nest to provide clothing, supplies, and food to families in McAllen, Texas who are on a low income.
Actions of Compassion (Acciones de Compasión was organized to address humanitarian and social needs experienced by people in Mexico.
Bring hope to children who live and work in a garbage dump in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
Help provide literacy materials for USA: Southwest Ministries.
Native people live deep in the Grand Canyon; along the busy streets of Phoenix, Arizona; and in the hot Sonoran Desert.
Share the love of Christ with a refugee living in Uganda.
Help community members work together to co-create solutions to shared problems in northeast Nigeria!
Help cover the cost of an individual patient receiving life-saving surgical care.
The Cardiothoracic Training Center will be dedicated to patients with cardiothoracic diseases and the training of Christian African health-care...
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.