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Through this account, WGM Kenya’s finance office serves as a channel to make it possible for interested donors to support these impactful projects...
Partner with Jeta to provide healthy living and transformation for people in central Albania.
Partner with WGM to make this retreat rejuvenating for those who attend!
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Meet urgent needs around the world.
A medical ministry of Tenwek College of Health Sciences in Kenya.
Partner with this project in Choluteca, Honduras.
Help Manuelito Project be prepared to respond in a child's crisis situation.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.