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Help provide Bibles, Bible study materials, books on leadership, and other needed materials for the University Discipleship Movement in East Africa.
Help cover the cost of an orthopedic patient's visit at Tenwek Hospital.
Housing is urgently needed for physicians in the new and expanding Residency Programs at Tenwek Hospital.
Kirtland Ministry Center, with USA: Southwest Ministries, is reaching children and families with God's transforming love.
Provide a textbook for a Ugandan child.
Help finance the construction of a church in Uganda.
Partner with the Support Staff in providing resources needed to double our global impact and deliver excellent support for missionaries across the...
Please partner with this ministry in Uganda, reaching out to those who have never heard the good news.
Help Tenwek Hospital recover from the fire on February 9, 2018.
Partner with us as we expand expand the capacities of the pediatric department at Tenwek.
Give students at Escuela El Sembrador a multi-purpose Student Sports Complex.
We work alongside local teachers to provide a fun and interactive reading experience for their students.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.