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El Sembrador School: Multi-Function Gym

ID: 33504
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The students at El Sembrador need your help! Every day, students are participating in gym class, learning and practicing organized sports, exercise techniques and sportsmanship. But it’s the dry season, and the sun is hot. We need a gymnasium with a roof over it for the students. Currently they have their gym classes on a small slab of cement that is too small for the number of students, with nothing to protect them from the hot sun or rain.

We are blessed to have students in all elementary and high school grades, but that large of a student body means we can no longer fit everyone together in any of our current buildings for devotional services and events, not to mention when parents are invited.

We are hoping to build a basic multi-function gymnasium to address this real need. Our plan is a practical open-air building with a floor and a roof that can hold 300+ people under the roof. The building would be 75’ X 135’. The estimated cost to build is $162,000. That’s a big sum of money. But when you break it down, it’s only $16 per square foot, which is the cost of a pizza, monthly TV streaming, or three donuts with coffee. That’s doable for almost everyone to get involved!

How can you get involved and help us with this need?

PRAY: Pray with us that this need will be resolved as quickly as possible.

GIVE: Are you being led to give 1 sq foot ($16), 10 sq feet ($160), or 100 sq feet ($1600)? You can give online or by mailing a donation to WGM for the El Sembrador School Multi-Function Gym.

We would love to begin construction before the start of the rainy season in early June.

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