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Minutemen / Minutewomen Alert

ID: 26100
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Your help is needed to replace an old water tank! Escuela El Sembrador, “The School of Sower,” is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to educating, discipling, and challenging the future leaders of Honduras.

On the school’s property is a 25-year-old metal water tank that helps supply water to those who live at El Sembrador and those who come to attend school there. This includes 12 families and 45 boys who live on the property, as well the 300 daily students who attend the primary and secondary schools.

Four students in school uniforms reading and laughing together

Earlier this month, this water tank began springing leaks. Although the school has been able to get by with patching the tank, leaks continue to develop, and the water tank needs to be replaced very soon.

On top of this, the school’s hydro plant that helps supply the school with electricity has been experiencing problems which has resulted in increased electrical expenses. These unexpected costs have created this financial need, which you can help meet.

Three smiling students standing inside a building, posing for a photo.

El Sembrador would like to purchase a new water tank made of durable industrial plastic. The cost of this new water tank is $12,000.

Your help as WGM Minutemen/Minutewomen is once again needed. There are three things you can do today:

  1. Pray for the school, staff, and students of El Sembrador. Pray that not only will students receive high-quality education and practical skills, but that their lives would be transformed by the saving knowledge and relationship of Jesus Christ.
  2. Share with your friends and family how they can use their finances to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of others. By pledging to give $10, they will join a group of generous and compassionate people. Their donations will be used to meet emergency needs when they arise. Invite your friends and family to experience the joy of giving and making a difference in the lives of others by joining with you.
  3. Partner financially so that the WGM Minutemen/Minutewomen can again serve on a minute’s notice to help fill this need for a water tank at El Sembrador.

Thank you for your generous giving that helps others when they need it most. You are deeply appreciated and loved.

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