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The Sparrow's Nest

ID: 21582
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Families in McAllen, Texas, often have six or more children, making it difficult for the parents to provide for the entire family on a low income. To help ease these families’ struggles, The Sparrow’s Nest collects gently used clothing and nonperishable foods to distribute at a very low cost. This offshoot ministry of Taylor Community Center is creating connections between WGM missionaries and these families, building up the community with Jesus’ love.

The Sparrow’s Nest clothes closet and food pantry began when missionary Betsy Tejeda helped unload a truck full of clothes sent from a clothing drive in Mississippi. She and her husband, Gerson, asked some of the neighborhood families for help in exchange for some of the clothing. Betsy and Gerson did not expect the transaction to bless the families so greatly. Inspired by the families’ reactions and gratitude, Betsy wanted to find out if they could help other families and continue this kind of outreach. The Tejedas started The Sparrow’s Nest shortly thereafter.


Clothing and food are donated by local churches and community members. Each week, missionaries and volunteers sort through the donations and collect essentials. The closet and pantry are open to the community on a regularly scheduled basis.

Betsy wanted to name the closet and pantry so they would directly show Jesus’ love. As she prayed about a name, God brought to her mind Matthew 6 and His promise of caring for us much more than the birds of the air, whom He provides for in every way.

The name has been very meaningful for the families who benefit from The Sparrow’s Nest. On one occasion, Betsy had brought two ladies from the women’s shelter to The Sparrow’s Nest. On the way, she shared with them the story behind the name. After they finished shopping, she gave each of them a Spanish Bible. The ladies took those Bibles and held them like they were treasures.

Then, one of the ladies shoved the Bible into Betsy’s hands and said emphatically in Spanish, “Show me!” Betsy had no idea what she was talking about. The lady said it again, “Show me! Show me where Jesus cares about the birds!”

Betsy realized with joy that the woman wanted to hear more about Jesus’ words in Matthew 6, and she read to the ladies in Spanish about how much Jesus cares for them. When Betsy looked up, the ladies had tears running down their cheeks. They left that day with not only clothes but also the Word of God that brought hope to their hearts about a God who is personal and sees them.

Partner with The Sparrow's Nest

PRAY: As the missionaries reach hurting families, pray that God will give them wisdom to know how to best meet the people’s needs. Pray that strong relationships will form that will minister to the families and point them toward God.

GIVE: The Sparrow’s Nest needs financial donations to purchase school supplies, Bibles (English and Spanish), baby supplies, shoes, and new clothing essentials such as socks, shoes, and underwear. Give securely online at the top of this page.

GO: Do you feel called to go to McAllen, Texas, and work with Taylor Community Center and The Sparrow’s Nest? We would love to serve with you there! Let’s start a conversation.

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