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M2M: Media to Movements Czech

ID: 18565
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The Media to Movement (M2M) project in the Czech Republic is one that connects Christians to help them develop and use their online media presence to find people who are spiritually seeking.

Here are some key realities:

  • A huge percentage of Czechs don't know Jesus personally. 
  • However, studies show that at least two percent of the population are considered spiritually seeking. 

For Czech believers to physically find these seekers would take a lot of time and resources.

The M2M plan is to use social media to find those who are already seeking spiritual answers, invite those people to discover Jesus and follow Him, and to gather in newly formed churches that multiply.

It would be exciting to see this turn into a church planting movement throughout the fourteen regions of the Czech Republic.

The current project team consists of Czechs from various parts of the Czech Republic, including our local church, Remedy International, and some partner organizations. 

This project has potential to bring believers together across the Czech Republic to working in unity to reach the unreached with the Gospel that changes lives and nations.

You can learn more about Media to Movements by visiting this website (

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