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Honduras Disaster Relief

ID: 26491
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The Damage

In early November, hurricanes Eta and Iota devastated portions of Honduras, hitting the coastal areas back-to-back in a span of two weeks. Northern and eastern Honduras lost roadways, bridges, businesses, the electric grid, homes, and family crops that were ready for harvest.

We are thankful that the damage was regional. Apart from some localized landslides, the greater portion of Honduras was spared the devastation of double hurricanes.

Praise God. This means that the churches in Honduras can be the hands and feet of God to their fellow citizens.

Our Response


WGM Honduras sent funds to local ministries to provide roofing materials, mattresses, meals, and medicines for those who were sheltered in their churches and schools.


WGM is working with the Honduran Holiness Church Emergency Relief Committee. A visit to Montañuela, a humble community of nearly 7,000, confirmed that not one home escaped flooding. Cleanup is slowly beginning—with a call to churches around the country to send work crews.

Medical brigades are also needed to combat illnesses brought on by poor conditions in makeshift shelters and water-borne contaminants.

Plans for replanting family crops are underway.


As families assess the damage to their homes, we will want to help ensure they have the basics. Homes are missing furnishings, appliances, clean water, electricity, clothing, etc. WGM will partner with Honduran Holiness Church to help meet the needs for pastoral families, church buildings, congregations, and communities in general.

WGM ministries that sustained damage will also be part of the recovery plan.

How You Can Help


  • For pastors on the front lines
  • For plans for recovery and long-term development
  • That families would be healthy during their time in shelters
  • For the Honduran churches as they donate and form brigades for cleanup and medical attention


Your gifts will provide:

  • Seeds for planting family crops
  • Necessities for those in shelters
  • Medical attention
  • Cleanup supplies and equipment
  • Logistics for getting the job done
  • Future economic development


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