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The Call

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20 Feb 18
Nine Reasons
T.J., missionary in South Asia
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20 Feb 18
John Kunkle
in USA: Texas/Mexico Border
Four Ways to Actually Pray for Missionaries
John Kunkle, missionary, Texas/Mexico Border Ministries
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16 Feb 18
Dr. Dan Schafer
President's Perspective: Be a Gate-Crasher
Dr. Dan Schafer, president
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16 Feb 18
Rachel Elwood
in Albania
Made New: From Head to Heart
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16 Feb 18
Michael Johnson
in USA
Listen and Examine: The Scars of Life
Michael Johnson, missionary, Out of Nazareth (Philadelphia, PA)
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16 Nov 17
Casey Mazzoli
Take the Luke 10:2 Challenge!
Casey Mazzoli, writing intern
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