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The Call

Clear Filters
16 Nov 17
Rachel Elwood
"I'm Not Here to Kill You"
John Raad, Lebanon, with Rachel Elwood, staff writer
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16 Nov 17
Bonnie Gouge
in USA
My Log Cabin Calling
Bonnie Gouge, regional director for South America and Iberia
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16 Nov 17
Eliphas Mutegi
in Kenya
A Chaplain’s Diary: Stories of Miracles and Transformations
Eliphas Mutegi, Chaplain at Chogoria Hospital in Kenya
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16 Nov 17
Dan Schafer
in USA
President's Perspective: An Unprecedented Harvest
Dr. Dan Schafer, president
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15 Nov 17
Jon and Lindsay Birkey
in USA
Rekindled Vision: In His Strength, On His Time
Jon and Lindsay Birkey, missionaries on the American Indian Field
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24 Oct 17
Rachel Elwood
in Paraguay
Beverly Lewis Celebrates 60 Years of Missionary Service
Rachel Elwood, staff writer
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