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MWV 2024 Annual Project

ID: 31131
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Raise Up the Walls

The city of Irapuato is a major city in Mexico, with a population of over 600,000 citizens. But only five percent of the population is Christian. In addition, school curriculum for young children is promoting ideology that goes against a biblical worldview.

The Wesley Institute is the first and only Christian school in Irapuato, and it can only hold thirty students. More space is needed to see the Gospel take root in the city. A $30,000 matching donation is available toward finishing a primary school building, which would allow more young minds to be filled and formed to be like Christ.

But in order to impact this community, we need your help. To unlock this $30,000, we need to raise $30,000 by December 15! Will you give a gift today to be sure that young people in Irapuato will receive the needed biblical worldview in their education? Your gift today will help us see the next generation of Christian leaders grow and thrive.

Fifteen smiling people, from elementary age to senior adults in a brightly decorated classroom

A work team visiting the school which is currently crowded into Sunday school rooms.

This evangelistic and bilingual school will intertwine biblical principles and a biblical worldview in each subject, helping students see how each subject points to God. And when you partner today, your gift will be doubled. Meaning your donation will go twice as far and impact twice as many students. You can impact the young people in Irapuato so that they receive an education that helps them see Christ in all subjects and keeps them firmly rooted in Him.

But remember, to make your gift go twice as far, we need your help before December 15 to unlock the $30,000 matching donation! So don’t wait; give your gift today.

We're expecting God to do a might work through His school because He has asked us to build it.

Join the Work

If your desire is to be part of work in Irapuato and help build this school, you can join! In the summer and fall of 2024, you can bring a team and help construct the place that will shape the next generation of you Christians in Irapuato.

Bill Allshouse is coordinating this MWV annual project as a current missionary in Mexico with a passion for the Wesley Institute. Contact Bill at to learn how you and your team can make an impact at the Wesley Institute.  

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