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Location: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea: Bush Summer Internship


God is doing some exciting things in the bush of PNG! Come be a part of the great adventure of church planting and discipleship in this rural internship.

  • You must be healthy and fairly fit—the Porters are four hours away from medical care, and life in the bush can be physically demanding.
  • You need to be flexible and ready to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Hands-on skills are not required but are very beneficial. You can make up for a lack of these skills by being willing to work hard and learn.
  • Be prepared to go without some modern conveniences at times.
  • You will be hosted by Seth and Veronica Porter and their four kids.

Bush of Papua New Guinea

Language Requirements

While in PNG, you will be learning some Tok Pisin (the trade language of PNG) as you go. It is a fairly simple language and easy to pick up and you will have many willing helpers. Until you can communicate well, someone will help with translation. Many of the youth who have gone to school can understand some English as well.

Length of Service    

Mid-term: 1–12 months

Ministry Description

We are looking for men who aren’t afraid to work hard and get dirty to come work alongside Seth Porter in church planting and discipleship of young men in rural areas of PNG. We are serious when we say you need to be ready to work hard and get dirty—even in church planting and discipleship. In the bush, these ministries aren’t done in a coffee shop or office but outside or in bush houses. Here they can look like preaching in a church or marketplace; helping build a church starting with trees, ripping them into lumber and then building it; hiking into remote areas; hanging out with the young men in bush houses. You could be doing all these things and more!

Quick Facts

To get a glimpse into the ministry and life in the bush of PNG, check out the Porters’ mission videos. - Porter mission video 2020 - Porter family video 2020

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