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Location: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea: Community Health Evangelism Facilitator


At least one Community Health Evangelism (CHE) facilitator is needed in Papua New Guinea (PNG), but a team of people working together on this ministry would be best. WGM works in the areas of the country that are the least developed, with people living in remote village settings without close access to health care in many cases. A community health team would work alongside the national church’s health services to provide health and Bible training to the people in these villages.


Applicants must have a minimum of two years post high-school education. Although health and/or Bible education is a bonus, it is not required ahead of time. Facilitators would need to be trained in using the CHE program (Learn the Strategy—Global CHE Network), but this training can be obtained after applicants are accepted for the position. People involved in CHE need to be eager to learn the culture and language, while being patient enough to see long-term change take place in needy communities.


Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.

Ministry Description

CHE is a program that has been adopted and adapted by the government of PNG and is designed to facilitate communities working to better themselves both physically and spiritually. CHE facilitators work with communities to identify leaders and provide them with training that they can pass on to the community. These trainings cover topics such as preventing illnesses, hygiene and first aid, wholistic worldview, economic development, and many more. The facilitator and trainers then continue to work alongside the community to help them bring about lasting transformation in the areas of physical and spiritual health.

Quick Facts
  • The health system of PNG is the poorest in the East Asia Pacific Region.
  • One in thirteen children die each year (roughly 15,400), mostly from preventable diseases. Rural children are twice as likely to die before their fifth birthday compared to urban ones.
  • An estimated 580 mothers die each year during childbirth, which is at a rate eight times higher than the rest of the East Asia Pacific Region.
  • Access to health care is extremely challenging for rural remote communities.

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