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Location: USA

North America: Thrift Store Associate Internship


Work in a retail setting assisting with day-to-day operations while building relationships in an immigrant community. A team approach is taken to create a neutral and comfortable space for customers to come in and browse, shop, and share life with store staff. 


Engaging in conversations with customers, listening, and taking an interest in their day-to-day life opens opportunities to let them see and know that that the store is more than just a business. It is a place where staff truly cares about every person who comes through the door. 


Must be extremely flexible throughout the business day and enjoy meeting people from different backgrounds.


North America

For security reasons, those who fill out the interest form will get more details at a later date.

Language Requirements 

A knowledge of Arabic, Bengali, and/or Ukrainian would be helpful but is not necessary.

Length of Service
  • Short-term: 1–2 weeks
  • Mid-term: 1–12 months 
Ministry Description

Meet people in a neutral setting for the purpose of interacting with and building relationships with families or individuals. Since the day is filled with various activities—some planned, many unexpected—the position will require someone who is extremely patient and flexible with their time. This role provides an opportunity to use business as mission to be part of and interact with an extremely diverse immigrant and refugee community. The thrift store is located in the heart of town and is always filled with activity. Ministry is done while serving with other like-minded persons, all while living in a walkable community.

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