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Location: USA

North America: Refugee Resettlement


Work with a local organization assisting with the resettlement of refugees within or near your community. This may include assistance with obtaining housing, understanding and completing government forms, navigating the health care system, connecting with support services, obtainment of driver’s license, language class, job preparedness, school readiness for children, etc.


Helping refugees with day-to-day responsibilities will build trusting relationships and provide opportunities for deeper relationships. This ministry field is also an excellent opportunity for cross-cultural training in preparation for those planning to serve abroad.


Must be committed to building and growing relationships one-on-one or with families. Since some local travel will be required, having your own transportation will be necessary.


North America

For security reasons, those who fill out the interest form will get more details at a later date.

Length of Service
  • Long-term: 2 or more years
Ministry Description

After a refugee’s initial arrival, it’s helpful to continue to assist families or individuals who have been settled locally. The adjustment process to life in America is long, confusing, and often hard. Having someone to help navigate the process is extremely beneficial to them. Some of this may require travel to cities in close proximity or can take place within your own community.

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