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Location: Albania

Albania: Summer Camp Team 2024


Join the ministry team at Jeta Ministry Center to help host two weeks of day camp. Come as a church or school group or as an individual prepared to build relationships with camp participants and the multicultural ministry team.


Love Jesus, love kids, and love the disabled community! Creativity, flexibility, and working well with a team will all be valued gifts.


Vlashaj, Albania (a village thirty minutes outside Tirana, the capital)

Training Provided:

Orientation to culture and ministry

Language Requirements:

Pre-field orientation will include learning several words and phrases that will assist you in communicating.

Length of Service:

Short-term: two weeks

We need a team with a max of eight members to arrive July 1 and depart July 12, 2024.

Ministry Description:

We’re looking for energetic volunteers who love interacting with children and/or the disabled community. Through serving and relationship building, The Jeta (Life) Ministry Center is a holistic ministry located in the village of Vlashaj that attracts people from nearby villages, too.

You will be joining a multi-cultural team of WGM global workers and Albanian believers working with Planters Seed Foundation to host Jeta’s second annual summer day camp for kids ages six through thirteen as well as those who attend VTa day school for disabled young adults. You will be joining the full-time ministry team whose members come from the U.S., Albania, and Argentina.

Pre-field orientation will include connecting with the area team leaders, Nathan and Cydil Waggoner, who will help your team identify the activities you will be involved with during camp. Activities can include assisting with sports and group games, arts and crafts, music and drama, storytelling, etc. There are additional ministries at Jeta Center that you can be involved with as well including worship services, fitness classes, logistics, etc.

There is always the possibility that your gifts can be used even if not on this list! There is unlimited potential for building relationships that convey the love of Jesus. English is not commonly used by the older generations or in the villages but some younger people speak some English. The ministry team language is English. 

Feedback from previous Summer Camps:
  • “Bravo! May you be blessed for your work!”
  • “Thank you for all that you do for our children!”
  • “My son and I are so thankful for camp!”
  • “We thank you!”
  • “You are fantastic!  We are so pleased [with camp.] God bless your hands and feet!”

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