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Africa Region

Africa Region


Africa was the second continent to which WGM sent missionaries—after Asia. WGM’s first country to serve in Africa was Kenya.

WGM has had missionaries serve in the following African countries through the years: Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia

Present Day Ministries

  • University Discipleship Movement (UDM): UDM has a vision to see a generation of transformed university students who will take the whole Gospel to the whole world. Currently, UDM discipleship ministries are taking place on 22 campuses in East Africa. UDM discipleship uses a four-stage model: Engage, Establish, Equip, and Export.
  • Leadership Development for African Women: This began as a scholarship program for African Women but is developing into a Living, Learning Community (LLC) of African women for the purpose of leadership development.
  • Medical Outreaches: From Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, there are occasional medical outreaches that take place to other places, including South Sudan (both eye clinic teams and surgical teams) and Liberia (eye clinic teams), Burundi (orthopedic surgery). WGM missionaries, Kenyan colleagues, and partners from other organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse, work together in these joint outreaches.
  • Community Health Empowerment (CHE): This ministry approach is used by WGM missionaries and national colleagues in several countries of Africa, including Kenya and Uganda, with occasional trainings held in Burundi and South Sudan.
  • University Teaching: Global workers regularly teach courses in subject areas such as leadership and development, conflict transformation and reconciliation, theology, and education at Light University and International Leadership University in Bujumbura, Burundi and Africa International University in Nairobi, Kenya.

Opportunities to Serve

Missionaries Currently Serving

Mid-term Missionaries Currently Serving

Retirees Who Served

Current Projects

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